Travel Hacks – Road Trip by Car – 2

1. Carry food bag clips

Food Bag Clips

It’s likely to eat snacks from packets while traveling, if you’re bored of eating the chips and want to have something else then use a clip as a lock to avoid spillage.

2. Always carry cards as well as cash

Even though everything is digitalized and plastic money (debit and credit cards) is used everywhere but there are still places all over the world where only cash is used. So, it is wise to carry cash as well as cards instead of searching for ATM in between the travel.

3. Wrap the glass as a lid to avoid spillage

Glass Wrap

Having a fresh juice, coffee, or any other beverages while traveling can result in spillage to avoid that cover the glass with a wrap. You can use straw to drink from the glass.

4. Carry snacks in conatiners instead of packets to avoid spillage

People tend to carry lots of snacks while traveling. If the snacks are stored in a container or bottles it’ll reduce the chances of making the vehicle messy and throwing the plastic paper on the road.

5. Carry an extra tire, jack and lug wrench

Tyre, Jack, Wrench

Even though the car has gone through complete check before the journey it is wise to carry an extra tire. You never know when and where the tire goes flat and searching for a garage would be really difficult if you’re travelling on highway. To avoid all this it is better to carry an extra tire.

6. Carry an overnight bag

If you’re going on a trip where you’ll have to stay somewhere before reaching the destination then it’s better to carry a separate bag only with you nightwear, a set of clothes for the next day and your essentials. This will avoid unnecessarily opening the packed luggage.

7. Carry neck pillows

Neck Pillow

Neck pillows are not only for flight travels, you can use it even while traveling in a car. This is allow you to sleep peacefully without any discomfort in your neck.

8. Carry a cooler to keep your drinks cool

Cooler for Travellers

Carrying cooler has lots of benefits. You can keep your drinks cool, you can even carry ice creams and eat it whenever you want instead of worrying about the ice cream being melted.

9. Use silicone cupcake liners in cup holders

Silicon Cupcake Liners

Cup holders can easily become messy and will be harder clean them if something which leaves a stain is dropped in the holder. So, use a silicon cup cake liners to avoid the mess and keep your cup holders tidy.

10. Use multiple USB-charger to charge your device

Battery in the mobile is a must while traveling in the car for everyone including driver to view the maps. And it is impossible to stay at hotel to charge your mobile every time your phone battery is drained, so use a multiple USB-charger and keep your phones battery charged always.

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